Once upon a time, a long time ago, on a faraway continent. There lived a beautiful orcish woman. Her hair was black as pitch, her lips blood-red...actually BLOOD-red, because she didn't want to be deprived of the fun of eating her chickens raw. Her calves slim like advertising columns and her face as noble as the spittoon of a tavern. Affectionately, everyone called her Aggrazsch - the thorn.
She lived in peaceful harmony with her environment, all the animals in her forest were always afraid of her, no one even dared to come near her. It was a life like in a fairy tale.
But one day a terrible creature came by. Hairless, smooth, chubby, as if it had never seen a blade in its life. Without a single scar, it was horrible to look at.
Now it happened that one fine day, Aggrazsch was walking through the forest. While she was stalking a young fawn, she noticed a commotion nearby. Directly at the west entrance to her forest, someone had had the audacity to build a castle there. It was still small, barely 4 meters high and consisted only partly of solid masonry. At the sight of the golden banners, Aggrazsch instantly lost her appetite. It was time to reapply her blood-red lipstick.
Kill the "beast"
Kick in all the doors, destroy all the shelves, tables, just about anything you can destroy....
Aggrazsch also has a few friends. If you don't want to do the killing spree alone, you can choose her best friends. For Aggrazsch, you should use Thalla's model.